About us

The office

Founded 13 years ago by lawyer Mariana Baeta Neves Matsushita, our purpose is to help businessmen to bear the costs of entrepreneurship and to be able to act in compliance with the law, fostering ethics, legality, and efficiency in the investment culture in our country.

Founded 13 years ago by lawyer Mariana Baeta Neves Matsushita, our purpose is to help businessmen to bear the costs of entrepreneurship and to be able to act in compliance with the law, fostering ethics, legality, and efficiency in the investment culture in our country.


Lauro Ishikawa

OAB-SP 143.195

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Érica Taís Ferrara Ishikawa

OAB-SP 265.118

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Larissa Croce Galizzio

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Mariana Baeta Neves Matsushita

OAB-DF 26.946

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Marcelo Andrade Ponciano

OAB-DF 43.084

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Sílvia Barboza

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